ACP&S Medical Student
Monday, Jan. 30
Dr. Pope and myself happened to stop in at Miller's Book Store this p.m. While Dr. Pope was being waited upon a certain young lady clerk with large dancing eyes and a bewitching smile came to me and ask, "Is there anything I can do for you?" My eyes chanced to see this little book and not seeing anything else I might want, I timidly ask her the price of it. She replied, "60 cents but you may have it for 40". So I dedicate this page to my little girl and "the" store.
Tuesday, Jan. 31
I had the honor and pleasure of escorting my dear friend Dr. Foster to the matinee at the Bijou. The play was entitled "The Curse of Drink" and we were delighted with it.
Received a letter from A. D. which gave me warning of a smoldering volcano. "The ways of the wicked are hard".
Went out to call on a certain young lady on Auburn Ave. this evening. To say that I enjoyed it is speaking lightly. Oh ye Gods! What a vision of loveliness this brings to my mind.
Wednesday, Feb. 1
Dr. Westmoreland met us at 8 A.M. and lectured till 10 A.M. and was not satisfied with that; but came back at the clinic hour and gave us another specimen to remember him by.
My stomach had almost collapsed by the time I reached home at 2:30 P.M.
It did not take me long to satisfy its every desire when I reached the dining room and found plenty of good cabbage, pork and cornbread, supplemented with other nice eatables.
Thursday, Feb. 2
The weatherman has prophesied that we are about to have another cold wave and if you take the trouble to stick your head out of the door you will at once decide he is a wise prophet.
Today has been rather uneventful considering the great many interesting things that might happen to a medical student.
In order to while away the time I am trying to prepare for a quiz by Dr. Dorsey tomorrow morn.
Friday, Feb. 3
"The day is cold and dark and dreary;
It rains and the wind is never weary."
It has been raining, sleeting and snowing today at regular intervals.
Dr. Pope and myself went up to town late this P.M. and I came very near falling several times. I was more fortunate than some of the pedestrians on the street. I saw a colored boy turn two rats out of a trap up on Peachtree for a dog to catch, one of the rats ran to the sidewalk where two ladies were passing. They screamed and hoisted their skirts at half-mast. I "rubbered".
Saturday, Feb. 4
Today is worse than yesterday. There is a coat of ice about two inches thick on the streets and it is almost impossible for foot passengers to get along. I went out on Auburn Ave. tonight and the evening was spent as pleasantly as any one could desire. Had to stand on the corner about half an hour waiting for a car till I like to have frozen to death, but I had been amply repaid for all my trouble.
Sunday, Feb. 5
It was so fierce today I did not go to church which is something a little uncommon (?) for me.
I stood on the porch and watched the younger set coasting down the street. They had a great end of fun; but some of them got falls which were shocking.
Just think of it, I will have to stay in tonight and prepare for a quiz on practice, while the other boys are out having a jolly good time, but such is life.
Monday, Feb. 6
Went to school this morning. We had a quiz and our lecture. The school was dismissed for the remainder of the day on account of the severe weather.
Came home to my boarding place where the boys and girls were in a snow battle. I at once fell in line and it was not long before my wet face and drooping collar gave evidences of quite a skirmish. It is great fun to play in the snow with girls, but not with boys.
Tuesday, Feb. 7
Most of the sleet had melted by this morning. I went to school and we had our regular lectures today. I was called down to "Daddy" Kendricks clinic and behaved very nicely till he asked me to give the first symptom of prostatic enlargement. I scratched my head looked wise – the boys laughed – and he passed it on to the next man.
Began to rain late in the afternoon and is still raining at 10:30.
Wednesday, Feb. 8
The rain last night froze on the trees, ground, etc. so we had another very slick time.
All the cars were stopped and a great many of the trees were breaking down. It has been raining most of the day and freezing as quickly as it fell. There are no street lights in this part of town on account of the wires being down. Met A. D. on the street late this p.m. and walked home with her.
Also got a telephone message tonight from Auburn.
Thursday, Feb. 9
We had a little examination in Operative Surgery this morning conducted by Dr. Elkin. I think that I did myself justice in my answers to the examination.
Dr. Pope went out to see his girl tonight and it was so dark Dr. Heard and myself decided about 10:30 we would go over and meet him. He was glad to see us.
We got some cakes and fruit and had a late lunch.
Friday, Feb. 10
Received a letter from Tuscaloosa Ala. And it was a stunner.
I mailed several comic valentines to my sisters, at their request.
Went to the college tonight and heard a very interesting lecture by Dr. Cooper on "The relation of a Dr. to his fellow practitioners."
Saturday, Feb. 11
Had our regular routine work at the college today. There was no clinic worth mentioning on account of the unpleasantness of the weather.
Began raining about the middle of the afternoon.
My girl called me up and wanted me to go out to see her a while after supper and of course I accepted. She treated me awfully nice; but about 2 o'clock the old man came in and bothered us for about half an hour. Such is my luck.
Sunday, Feb. 12
Got up early went with Black, Heard, and Foster to Sunday School and I enjoyed Miss Lucy's talk very much. Think I shall go again.
It is still raining and getting colder. I wonder what it will do next.
Dr. Pope and myself went to see a little Negro girl that was sick and prescribed treatment. After supper we went back to see the sick girl and she did not seem better, when we got back we went down to town rambling and we did ramble till 10 P.M.
Monday, Feb. 13
Very much colder today. Thermometer registered about 12° above Zero and is still getting colder. It spit snow this morning for a while. Went back to see the little Negro girl today and she seemed better.
The clinic was very poor at the college today; but who could blame any self respecting woman for not wanting to undergo an examination on such a day. Dr. H. F. Harris delivered a fine lecture to the Seniors tonight on "Relation of Dr. to Public Health" and was enjoyed very much by every member.
Tuesday, Feb. 14
Today is Valentine's day and I received one that was a stunner. It was not only beautiful but useful and valuable. Altho I do not care very much for the girl but I appreciate her gift.
This morning was the coldest we have had this year. The mercury fell till it reach 2° above zero.
Went to see the little Negro girl today and she was so much better that I dismissed the case. Wrote a letter to Jane tonight.
Wednesday, Feb. 15
Received a comic Valentine that represented the effects of my drugs on patients. It had a picture of a coffin with a skull in it and it said that I would give the undertaker plenty of work to dol. Have not been able to find out who sent it yet.
Dr. Westmoreland gave us three lectures today and did not seem to be satisfied with that. He should have been giving us some of them last fall.
Thursday, Feb. 16
Had our regular work at college today. Dr. Pope and my self saw A.D. and N.D. on the street and walked home with them. Of course we collected for our trouble.
Dr. Heard went down to see his girl tonight. He carried her some presents in memory of the time one year ago "when he began to live" as he expresses it. Dr. Pope went out to see his girl and reported a pleasant time.
Friday, Feb. 17
Dr. Todd delivered his "pet" lecture on hydrotherapy. It is a wonderful thing is applied properly in a great many troubles. Among a great many other things, he especially advised the "boys" to try sea bathing for the melancholia due to disappointment in their love affairs. He said, "Boys, before you decide to commit suicide on account of your girl going back on you, go to the sea shore and you will meet others just as food and you can see a great deal more of them".
Saturday, Feb. 18
Dr. Kendrick brought Judge Westmoreland over to college today and gave him half of his lecture hour to deliver a lecture to us boys on medical Jurisprudence. He gave us a very interesting lecture and will be of value to us in our future work.
Had an invitation to go out to Miss Snow Shirleys tonight to a little informal reception; but for various and sundry reasons it was impossible for me to accept.
Sunday, Feb. 19
It is raining today. Dr. Pope received a telephone message wanting us to go out on Auburn Ave. and escort about four young ladies to the Salvation Army rally at the Bijou. I could not go; but Dr. Pope was game.
I went to see a certain young lady tonight and returned about 11 o'clock crazy as Black would express it. Heard was up waiting for me as our presence was urgently desired in an obstetrical case, we got back about 2:30 A.M. It was a boy.
Monday, Feb. 20
Being up so late last night, I felt like it was hard luck to have to get up so early this morning; but this is only one of the bitters of the profession I am about to enter.
This P.M. I slept for about 2 hours and felt considerable better.
The weather has been horrible today. The rain last night froze on the ground and trees, and it has been raining almost all day.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Judge Westmoreland gave us another lecture this morning during Dr. Nichalsons hour. He lectured on "The Dr. as a witness in civil cases" and gave the boys some valuable advice. Among other things he said, "A Dr. on the stand should be perfectly familiar with the case he is to give evidence in, he should tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth as he understands it, and should show no partisan spirit whatever; also guard your answers on cross examination.["]
Wednesday, Feb. 22
Today is General Washingtons birthday, but we did not get a holiday.
Dr. Pope received a telegram from his people to go home as soon as he could get there and he left at 4:15 P.M. They did not give him any reason for the urgency of the telegram.
Dr. Johnson delivered a lecture tonight at the college by request of the 2nd year men. His subject was "Success and failure of a Dr." and was enjoyed by all present.
Thursday, Feb. 23
Dr. Westmoreland lectured 3 hours today on special fractures and had John the janitor in there to act as patient. Dr. Goldsmith showed how to put on the different bandages to correct the fractures.
Went to the Bijou this P.M. and was delighted with the play. It was entitled "Capt. Barrington" and represented Revolutionary times.
Today has been almost a typical spring day, the first we have had since Christmas.
Friday, Feb. 24
Pretty warm weather continued today and we are certainly enjoying it. Heard from Dr. Pope indirectly this P.M. He sent a telegram to his girl that he reached home O.K., found his mother alive, but very sick, and she phoned to me. We were glad to know that she was still alive but sorry that she is so ill. There is no telling what misfortune and sorrow may be suddenly thrust upon us.
Saturday, Feb. 25
I went down to the Deans office today and paid his secretary $80.00 on tuition and made application for graduation. I am in hopes that my application will prove to be fruitful and that I will make a successful pass.
I went down to Stephensons studio this P.M. and had by beauty struck at. The picture is to be used in our class picture. I can imagine it will be a "beaut" that will startle the rats.
Sunday, Feb. 26
This is a beautiful day.
The little darky that builds a fire for us and wakes us up every morning came in at 7 o'clock and called us. We told him breakfast would not be ready till 8:30. He stepped out of the door, stuck his head back in and said, "You young Drs. git up."
Dr. Foster and myself went out to the river this P.M. and had to stand up both ways.
Monday, Feb. 27
I was awfully scared that our quiz master Dr. Dorsay was going to call on me this A.M. but fortune favored me and I narrowly escaped his clutches. Dr. Cooper notified us this morning that we had better rub up our selves for a little examination Wednesday which we will do with great pleasure.
Dr. Black talking with Mrs. Thayer today remarked that he was going to get him some kid rollers she replied it would be several years before he needed them.
Tuesday, Feb. 28
The weather continues beautiful except for the strong wind that reminds you so much of March weather.
I went down to the photographers and got the proofs of my pictures. They were beautiful (?); but I decided that I would accept one of them and have some made. Dr. Heard and myself gave a little exhibition of "breakdown" music with a mandolin and a pencil used as straws.
Wednesday, Mar. 1
Dr. Cooper gave us our promised examination this morning and I think that I accidentally put him up a pretty good paper. Had a letter from Dr. Pope and his mother is still improving. He will not get to come back this term.
Dr. Westmoreland put in 3 hours again today. He lectured on fractures and gave us the clinical demonstrations of application of splints on black John.
Thursday, Mar. 2
Dr. Foster and myself got up courage and the price to go to the Bijou this P.M. The show was "The Telephone Girl["]: and some parts of it was rather weak. I sat by a big fatnosed woman that was almost as comical as the leading comedian. Dr. Heard and I went to the Atlanta Medical Society tonight. We heard some good papers read on various subjects and the comments were exceptionally amusing and interesting.
Friday, Mar. 3
Dr. Todd gave us a good lecture today.
Dr. Harris had a case at the clinic that was exceedingly interesting. The man had been a heavy drinker more or less all the time for 30 yrs. Dr. Harris after a thorough examination diagnosed his troubles as Endocarditis, cirrhosis of the liver, enterstitial nephritis and phlebitis obliterans of the long saphenaus vein. The poor fellow is surely in a bad condition as a result of his prolonged intemperance.
Saturday, Mar. 4
We had our regular work today.
There were not many of us that even thought about "Teddy" Roosevelt being inaugurated president of the U.S. today.
Dr. Black this P.M. went out to Grants Park to meet his girl. Jack and Lucy her little nephew and niece were with her. As a modern gallant Dr. Black got a row boat and gave them a nice ride over the lake. After dark he asked the little folks to stay on the shore while he gave the girl a ride. Jack yells, "Lucy can you see Dr. Black hugging Aunt Emmie" and Black almost fainted.
Sunday, Mar. 5
Dr. Heard was appointed by the Braca's to deliver a lecture to a class of girls at the Boulevard Mission S.S. on the "The influence of Character". He stayed up till almost two o'clock last night preparing to "shell the woods". I was easily prevailed upon to accompany him – knowing that he was "loaded for bear" and would give the laity a pleasant surprise with his "gold rimmed and gilt edged eloquence". The services progressed nicely; but Lo and behold; by some mistake they did not call on Dr. Heard for his oration. How provoking.
Monday, Mar. 6
Dr. Heard and myself have been treating Vernon Thayer for an acute case of bronchitis. Today his parents began to get scared that the boy was not getting along well, so we call "Daddy" Kendricks into consultation. He upheld us in our management of the case which was indeed gratifying to us.
We had our regular routine work at the college with the exception that Dr. Cooper was absent and Dr. Todd took his place and I made myself "skace" during that hour.
Tuesday, Mar. 7
The weather continues beautiful in spite of the weather man's prophecies to the contrary. "He sometime can't always tell about the weather anyway" – as Black would express it.
I went out to see a certain young lady on Auburn Ave. tonight and spent a very pleasant evening with her. When I came back home there was a little dog in the hall. It reared up on me and whined. Was I scared? Well, slightly.
Wednesday, Mar. 8
I ask Dr. Kendricks today what he charged for making that visit over her to see Vernon Thayer. He said, "If they do not think it too much I will charge $2.00."
We had our regular work at the college except Dr. Westmoreland used one of the clinic hours to give us a lecture. It is a shame, disgrace and cruelty to animals to keep a man there an hour over time without the wherewith to stay his ravenous hunger.
Thursday, Mar. 9
Dr. Foster and myself went to the matinee this P.M. thinking that the change might do us good. The show was "For his brothers crime" and we enjoyed it very much. After we returned from the theater Mr. And Mrs. Thayer called Dr. Heard and myself up to their room and presented each of us with a shirt, tie, pair of socks and a handkerchief as a token of their appreciation for the attention we had given their son Vernon during his illness. It was a surprise; but very nice and highly appreciated by us both.
Friday, Mar. 10
This morning Dr. Dorsey quizzed all around me but did not get me. I had just about as leave be struck as scared to death.
Dr. Elkin came in and gave us an examination very much to the surprise and mortification of a great many of the boys. He said that he merely wanted to put us in training for the great battle against ignorance in which we are soon to be the Knight of Honor. I hope we can exclaim "Veni, Vidi, Vici". Where is Black tonight? Why of course with his "Par excellence."
Saturday, Mar. 11
There was nothing that happened at the college today that is worth mentioning.
I went out on Auburn Ave. tonight to see a certain young lady. I had not been there but a few minutes when I got a professional call from a lady next door. She had fainty spells due to irregular heart action. After prescribing I went back and had a jolly time with G.
Sunday, Mar. 12
The weather is very disagreeable today. The sun may be shining behind the clouds but that is not doing us any good.
Foster did not go to church today because of a case of measles he is treating. His girl ask Black why he was not there and Black replied " He has a case of measles on his hand". She said, "Why I did not know they had them just on the hands." Of Course Black had to explain.
Monday, Mar. 13
Everything is quiet on the Waubash today. Most of the boys that try to get up something funny make a complete failure or at least the laugh is more or less superficial and forced on account of the great nervous tension to which we are subjected just at this time, thinking of the finals that are coming in a few days.
I am in hopes the Fates will be with is at that time.
Tuesday, Mar. 14
By general consent the Seniors met Dr. E. G. Jones, quiz master on obstetrics, at the college tonight at 7:30. He gave us an interesting and profitable quiz for about 2 hours. After the quiz he invited us down in the physiology room for a smoke and to our surprise he had a table loaded with exceedingly good sandwitches, pickles, olives, cigars, cigarettes, etc. We ate and smoked to our hearts content and all the boys seemed to enjoy it very much.
Wednesday, Mar. 15
This morning Dr. Cooper delivered his farewell address to the Seniors and it was ably responded to by our president Dr. McDonnal. It is rather sad and serious times when a professor that is loved by all the boys gives them a farewell talk. We can't hardly realize that the time is so near when we will finish our instruction here and assume the responsibilities of the profession.
Thursday, Mar. 16
The boys were exceptionally quiet today. Dr. Westmoreland gave us his farewell lecture this morning and in closing he said that he hoped we would not only be successful in our coming examinations but also in after life.
Dr. Foster went up against Todd today on therapeutics. He said that it was pretty hard but he thought he made it O.K.
We are scared to prophesy what the next few day has in store for us.
Friday, Mar. 17
All lectures closed today. Drs. Elkin and Kendrick gave us their finale till examinations. At Dr. Kendricks hour Col. Capers presented the college with a picture of Alex Means who it is claimed made the first arc light in America and once had chair of Chemistry in the college. Dr. MacDonnell of the senior class responded to Col. Capers in a very eloquent talk. He then made a touching little "speal" to Dr. Kendrick in behalf of the Seniors.
Saturday, Mar. 18
Well, Dr. Elkin gave us his operative work today. I did two important operations on the cadaver – ligated the subclavian artery and amputated the arm at the elbow joint using the modified circular method. He quizzed us during the interval between operations.
Tonight I assisted Dr. Heard in a circumcision case and we did the fellow up in good style considering everything.
Sunday, Mar. 19
It has been trying to rain all day; but came very near making an absolute failure as it did not do anything but sprinkle.
I went to the Sunday School at the Tabernacle this morning expecting to hear Dr. Black make a farewell address to the Baraca class but was sadly disappointed. The rest of the day I have been around the house threatening to study for tomorrows work; but in reality did very little studying.
Monday, Mar. 20
Dr. McRae met us this morning to have us do some abdominal surgery on the cadaver. My name was so far down on the list that he did not reach me till about 12:30 then gave me a cholecysenterostomy to do.
Dr. Westmoreland met us this afternoon to give us some demonstrations of how to apply plaster paris splints, reduction of dislocations and the proper bandaging for them.
Tuesday, Mar. 21
We had our finals in the different branches of surgery today. The examination was reasonable enough got those that knew it; but very hard for those that did not know it. I think I managed to make a pass on them which is indeed gratifying at present whether it is true or not. To celebrate the occasion I went out to see a young lady on Auburn tonight and had a nice time.
Wednesday, Mar. 22
Today I have not been doing anything but staying around the boarding house.
I will have an examination in Practice tomorrow and I suspect that it will pretty hard. "Daddy" Kendrick says that if we have been diligent in season and out of season we need have no fear of the examinations, which is of course true.
Thursday, Mar. 23
I went over to college bright and early to meet Dr Kendrick in his final on Practice. The examination was not so hard but it was rather long and tedious. After finishing the examination I came home tired and worn out; but after eating a hearty dinner and taking a long nap after dinner felt considerable refreshed. Took a long walk this afternoon.
Friday, Mar. 24
Today has been an exceptionally warm day for the time of the year. Did not have anything at the college today so I have been around the house all day. Mr. & Mrs. Thayer invited me up to their room tonight to take a game of carrums. Mrs. Thayer and myself beat Mr. Thayer and Mrs. Moorhead in every game. It was not due to our good playing.
Saturday, Mar. 25
Today we stood our finals on Obstetrics and Gynecology under Drs. Cooper and Earnest. The examination was not as hard as we were expecting, and I at present think I waded through O.K. I did not know that Dr. Earnest had put up part of the questions, so I ask him if he understood what Dr. Cooper meant by a certain question. He curtly informed me it was his question.
Sunday, Mar. 26
This is one of those beautiful spring days which makes us feel like we ought to go away out in the woods and listen to the little birds sing.
I went out to the Southern Shops with Mr. Thayer and he explained the mechanism and uses of the various machines which was very interesting. He also showed us a great many engines in different stages of repair.
Monday, Mar. 27
Today is bright and clear and I had to put in the greater part of the morning trying to get ready for my last final. Our last one came at 2:30 P.M. on The Diseases of the eye ear nose and throat by Dr. Calhoun. I think I made a fair pass on his branch. So summing them all up, if it is left to me to decide, I will surely graduate.
Tuesday, Mar. 28
I feel so relieved today that I have not done a thing worthy of mention. This afternoon I lay down across the bed and had a long nice nap. Tonight I went down to the depot with Mr. & Mrs. Thayer and Mr. and Mrs. Moorhead to see Mr. Thayer off on the train. It was a beautiful night for walking and for that reason and others I enjoyed it very much.
Wednesday, Mar. 29
I have begun to think about getting ready for the State Board Examination. It will be the fifth of April. I will certainly be glad when it is all over.
I went down the street a little ways with some friends of mine tonight to see a wedding; but for some reason or other we had to stand on the outside and peep through the window. We enjoyed it never the less.
Thursday, Mar. 30
I heard today that we would have two days on the State Board Examination the 5th and 6th. If it is true I am certainly glad as it will give us more time to write what we know and to find out from some other fellow what we don't know.
The weather continues beautiful and it seems that spring has opened up in reality.
Friday, Mar. 31
We boys have been rather nervous today because of the fact that we are to be notified tonight as to whether we will graduate or not.
11:30 P.M.
It is all over and we all will graduate except Austin, Knox, Norris, and Turner. How proud the successful boys were and how sad the unsuccessful ones looked. Tis sad to think of the wasted opportunities that caused those four to fail.
Saturday, Apr. 1
After celebrating our victory last night till the "wee" hours of morn we did not feel like getting up early so was late at breakfast.
Went down and had our caps and gowns fitted also mad arrangement to get our dress suits for the great occasion. This is all fools day, but I am one of the fools that did not get fooled.
Sunday, Apr. 2
This has been a beautiful day and I did not get off to church.
We had our beauties struck at by our boarding photographer. I know it will be a beauty.
This P.M. I went out on Auburn to deliver some invitations also sent to see Mark Palmour and his wife. They have a beautiful little home out on the Boulevard.
Monday, Apr. 3
Today has been rather an interesting one for us.
This morning Heard and myself tried on our dress suits and we looked swell to be sure.
Class had a dress rehearsal at 12 o'clock.
Had our graduation exercises tonight and the boys were more than delighted to get their hands on the long coveted diplomas. After the exercises I went home with my Auburn girl and got back at 1 A.M.
Tuesday, Apr. 4
Have not been doing very much of anything today but resting so I will feel good for the State Board Examination tomorrow. This P.M. I played carrums with Dr. Heard and Mrs. Thayer as partners, and Mrs. Moorhead and myself as partners. It was a very close game but we got beat a little. Retired early to get a good nights sleep.
Wednesday, Apr. 5
Went over to the Capitol bright and early to stand the examination for State license to practice. We had to register our diplomas and deposited $10.00 before standing the "Exam". It took till 12 o'clock to do that and then it took till 6 P.M. to finish todays work. It was pretty hard but I think that I made it through all right. I am awfully tired tonight.
Thursday, Apr. 6
Had to meet the State Board Examiners again today at 9 o'clock. We got started to out work earlier today than yesterday, so I finished about 2 o'clock. I am awfully glad it is all over whether I pass or not. I feel confident that I made it O.K. but you cant always tell about these things. Will be notified tomorrow.
Friday, Apr. 7
It was cold last night and this morning we had a large frost.
Heard and myself went down to Dr. Holmes office to find out how we made it in regard to our State Board Examination. He said that we made it all right and you can imagine how glad we were.
I have packed up getting ready to leave this town early tomorrow morning.
Saturday, Apr. 8
I left for home at 7:50 this morning and arrived safely at 2:30. I was certainly glad to get home again. Father met me in Cordele, sent his horse back by a Negro and came back with me on the train.
I came down from Macon. Ernestine Grogan who was going to Coffee Co. to teach school. She gave all the news from the mountains.
Sunday, Apr. 9
I went out to the station this P.M. While there one of Mr. Ray';s sons kept after me to go home with him and at last I accepted. I met two young ladies up at his home. We stayed there about 2 hours and he brought me back to Mr. Cunninghams where there were several playing croquet. I took a hand with Miss Minnie as partner, did not finish game on account of rain.
Monday, Apr. 10
This morning Father and myself went up to Cordele to get the necessary paraphanalia for me to begin practice.
I bought me a buggy for $80 which will answer every purpose, I suppose. Also bought a line of drugs from the Ryals Drug Co. I tried to pick just a small amount of the things that I would need and nothing more but the line cost me about $25.
Tuesday, Apr. 11
My drugs were shipped out here by the evening express. I had them brought out home and then began my work of sorting out such as I wanted to carry with me and putting them in my medicine case. So I am now ready to deal out pills etc. to the ill and am patiently waiting my first case.
Had a good rain this P.M.
Wednesday, Apr. 12
Father had the hands put out something like 20000 sweet potato slips this morning. If they do any good at all it looks to me like we might raise some sweet potatoes.
My sister Ula stuck a sewing machine needle through her finger this P.M. and I took it out and dressed the wound.
It rained a slow rain almost the entire evening, but quit about night.
Thursday, Apr. 13
This P.M. I went over to the Johnson Farm across the river on some business. That is the biggest farm I have ever seen. They run something like a hundred plows and cultivate about 500 acres of land. They claim to have made over a thousand bales of cotton last year. That is what I call farming some. I came back on the "Shoe Fly" about 6 o'clock.
Friday, Apr. 14
I have been studying a little today thinking probably it might come in handy when I do get some work to do.
Got a letter from Nellie Thayer giving me the news from my old boarding house. Also got a letter from R. T. Foster stating that he has getting some practice with his preceptor.
Went down to see one of Brooks Negroes who was suffering from ear ache.
Saturday, Apr. 15
There has been nothing doing very much today.
I was intending to go up to Cordele with my father; but it came up a rain just after dinner and I decided I would not go. The rain was accompanied by some hail and it is getting much cooler.
Mr. Huff the bailiff decided he would play detective on the Negroes by blacking himself, but the "coons" soon caught on to the disguise.
Sunday, Apr. 16
Today is pretty cool and the farmers are a little scared for fear it has injured their little cotton.
Mr. Jones sent me a patient and a note telling me to go over to see him as he thought we might get up a trade in regard to me going his practice on the farm. I certainly was glad to get it as that farm's practice will be worth something.
Some think it will frost tonight.
Monday, Apr, 17
Well it was right chilly last night but it did not frost and so far as we can tell nothing has been seriously injured. I went over to see Mr. Jones today and found him to be a very nice man. We traded in regard to my doing his practice and then he took me in his buggy and carried over part of the farm. It is something enormous and I can hardly see how he looks after it all.
Tuesday, Apr. 18
Father has some hands covering the house now and everything will be in a mess around here for the next few days.
Mr. Cunningham invited me and told me to invite the others of our family out to his home to see his daughter Bessie married next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. If I am not busy I think I shall for as I like to see the good work progressing.
Wednesday, Apr. 19
This P.M. I went over to see Brooks negress who was suffering from an acute aural inflammation and some mucus sores in her mouth as a result of her wisdom teeth not cutting properly. Later I went up on Mr. Rays farms to see one of his old Negro women. It was rather a long hot drive up there, but that is a part of the business.
Thursday, Apr 20
I went back up to see the old Negro woman on Mr. Rays farm this P.M. and found her better with the exception of biliousness.
My two sisters and I went out to Mr. Cunninghams tonight and had a nice game of cards. We first had a game of high five and I acted as referee. Then had several games of "old maid" and I happened to be she twice.
Friday, Apr 21
I forgot to mention in yesterdays notes that I had the pleasure of meeting the "old maid" school teacher Miss Lulu Baldwin last night. As there was nothing of importance happened today and as I considered that at least worthy of mention I decided to put it in todays notes. She seemed rather familiar on short acquaintance and her tongue is in good working order.
Saturday, Apr 22
This morning it was cloudy and looked very much like we might have some rain.
About half past ten a crown of young people came along going to the swamp to get decorations for the wedding of Miss Bessie Cunningham tomorrow. I joined in and we got a lot of bamboo vines cedar holly etc. The mosquitoes disputed our right to traverse the swamp and we were glad to retreat.
Sunday, Apr 23
Today is Easter and we had a great no. of eggs prepared in different ways for breakfast.
This P.M. I went out to Mr.Cunninghams to see Miss Bessie married. The fortunate young man was a Mr. Colbert of Bainesbridge Ga. They had a beautiful home wedding with a nice supper after. Of course we enjoyed the wedding and supper to our fullest extent. I stayed till about 8:30.
Monday, Apr 24
A young man by the name of Moore from Bainbridge up to see his friend Mr. Colbert married, walked home from school with my sisters. My little brother, Homer, came running in ahead of the other school children and yelled "Alvin we are going to have a good dinner today." I asked him how did he know. He replied, "There is a boy coming home with Sallie and Ula."
Tuesday, Apr 25
The wedding party left at 1:30 yesterday for Bainbridge. I went out late in the afternoon to Mr. Cunninghams to help the "old maid" school teacher, Miss Baldwin, write up an account of the wedding. When I got there she had already written the thing so went out and had a game of croquet. We enjoyed the game very much.
Wednesday, Apr 26
Everything was very quiet along the Wabash today. I went out to the office just before the dawn train and while waiting Miss Minnie Fuqua came by and I walked with her up to the house and was thinking of proposing a game of croquet with her. She told me she was going up to spend the night with Miss Ray, so my game was not forthcoming for that day.
Thursday, Apr. 27
This evening Father went up to Cordele to meet Aunt Dollie and her family on their way to their new home at Douglas. She said she like the appearance of the country fine down here; but that she had come down here to like whether or not. She wanted to know if there was any danger of her children falling in the artesian well. Mother showed her the well.
Friday, Apr. 28
This P.M. came a storm here and besides blowing down a lot of trees and fences it blowed down the house I had my horse and buggy in. The horse had a narrow escape. We heard the house fall and rushed out and got the horse out during the storm. The buggy did not fare so well. It was almost torn up but I think it can be repaired.
Saturday, Apr. 29
I was intending to carry my buggy up to Cordele today and see if I could get it repaired, but my Aunt who has been with is a few days received a letter from her husband wanting her to go on down to Douglas. So I stayed to see her off. I am in hopes they will all like their new home and that uncle will be successful in his practice.
Sunday, Apr. 30
Sallie, Ula, and Miss Minnie Fuqua went up to Mr. Rays to spend the day with Miss Claude. They reported a pleasant time. I went out and had a game of croquet with Mr. Cunningham. He is a good player and I never having played very much made the game rather a one sided affair; but I enjoyed it very much.
Monday, May 1
Today brings to mind today one year ago when I delivered a little girl for J. H. McClure's wife. Uncle Dr. H. Palmour got married, Ed Stowers got married and my pet billy goat got killed. What changes take place in one years time.
I sent my buggy up to Cordele to be repaired. Father carried it and by a little scheme he worked I will get it repaired for $10.00 which is much cheaper than I expected.
Tuesday, May 2
It began raining from the east about 10 o'clock A.M. and has kept it up all day. It is very disagreeable weather.
My sister Ula got up sick this morning and has been very sick all day.
To while away the time I got up a little game of high five. Father and I played against Henry and Ben my brothers. It was a close game but they beat us a little.
Wednesday, May 3
This morning we had a general cleaning up of the yards around the house. Father had all the hands on the farm to help us and by 12 o'clock we had the yards in pretty good shape. It makes a place look so much better to have the yards in good condition.
Sister Ula is slightly better today, but is still very sick. I think she will be considerably better by tomorrow.
Thursday, May 4
This P.M. I went after the mail and Mr. Cunningham challenged me for a game of croquet and of course I accepted. We had not been playing long before Miss Minnie Fuqua and my sister Sallie came up. Miss Minnie and myself played against Sallie and Mr. Cunningham. Before the game was finished Mr. Cunningham had to leave us. Then we planned to take a fishing trip tomorrow afternoon.
Friday, May 5
This morning I received a 21 page letter from Miss F. of Atlanta. She related a thrilling experience she had with a Negro burglar a few nights before.
Miss Minnie, Sallie, and I went over to the river fishing this P.M. The fishing was rather bum; but the mosquitoes made it rather interesting for us. After fighting mosquitoes and trying to fish for about 2 hours we took a ride in a small boat and enjoyed it very much.
Saturday, May 6
This P.M. us boys went down to the creek to tak a bath. The water was pretty chilly so we did not stay in very long.
My two sisters, Henry and I went out to Mr. Cunninghams to play cards tonight. Among the several games we played one called "Old Maid". Mr. Cunningham was very anxious for Miss Minnie to be the old maid and when it did come out on her, he laughed till he waked up all the children.
Sunday, May 7
It is wonderful how little can happen out here that is really of any interest especially on Sundays. There is no church, Sunday schools or anything of the kind that we can go to. So it is the usual program to go out to the station at train time; get your mail then either return home or got over to Mr. Cunninghams and play croquet. Today I chose the latter alternative and enjoyed the game.
Monday, May 8
Miss Leila Baldwin the Coney school teacher opened up her school here again this morning after a vacation of a week. She had been down at her home at Albany attending the Chetauqua at that place. She reported a nice time but was sick most of the which was indeed very unfortunate. We can't help being sick occasionally.
Tuesday, May 9
Nothing of any importance happened today.
One of the Negro women here let an old cow step on her bare foot and bruised it. I bandaged it up for her with a medicated bandage and she seemed to be getting along O.K. She thinks my medicine is having a wonderful effect. "Ingorance is bliss when it is folly to be wise."
Wednesday, May 10
Mr. Stevens came along and asked me what I would do the farms practice for. Wishing a little time to think the matter over I told him that I would let him know right away this P.M. I went up to his farm to see him. After talking it over we came to an understanding which is agreeable to us both.
Thursday, May 11
This P.M. Mr. Wilson the manager of the Byron farm told me they had decided to give me their practice. I am always glad to make an agreement with the managers of big farms as that means that I am sure of my pay on all the patients they give me and the most of them pay at the end of the month.
Friday, May 12
The weather is exceeding hot here at the present time.
The old residents say it is the hottest May they have ever seen here.